A natural need and goal of every human being is to be happy. But how many of us feel that way during most of our lives?! Psychoanalysis and psychotherapy are one of the ways to help ourselves in achieving a harmonious, healthy and dignifying life. This is an intentional process of work on the part of the patient and the therapist. The goal is self-knowledge, self-development, self-perfection and successful social functioning. Through the methods of psychoanalysis and psychotherapy emotional, behavioral and existential problems find their solution.
In general, the meaning of psychotherapy work is to achieve satisfaction and happiness, without going against our true nature and potential.
There are different trends and psychotherapy schools; many varieties and variations of psychotherapy methods and approaches. This allows the therapist and the patient to choose the most appropriate one, taking into consideration patient’s individuality and needs, aiming at the best healing effect. It is not right to think that there is a single right or best, most effective method or technique.
One of the trends in psychotherapy is the neo-Reichian analytical body-oriented psychotherapy. This method contains physiological and psychological aspects. We cannot speak of physical health separately from the psychological health of an individual. The manifestation of disease symptoms (physical, psychic, emotional, behavioral) is considered an expression of continuous interaction and influence of the physical over the mental planes, and vice versa. The therapy is oriented towards the person’s understanding and acceptance of unrealized /unconscious/ psychological mechanisms of behavior, thinking, feeling. Understanding and accepting the real needs and mastering skills for their satisfaction. Creating love, care and responsibility for personal health and as a way of life.
In recent years, group forms of training – team buildings – are used for business purposes. This is a group dynamic training, which aims at creating a favorable social and psychological climate, increasing the motivation and communication skills of the members of an organization or a team. Skills for working in a team, managing conflicts, overcoming burnout /professional exhaustion/ are mastered.
My professional training as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist has given me skills in psychological consultation and psychological diagnosis; individual, family and group psychotherapy; company consulting and conducting teambuilding trainings, as well as supervision.
Psychotherapy is a response to the requirements of a person and the society, to the new scientific achievements, to the dynamics and the changing way of life, to new necessities and needs. The need for, the point and the meaning of psychotherapy are being proven over time, most of all by the results achieved.
Individual psychotherapy